Building Repair
The Dulag church was damaged by Typhoon Yolanda on November 8, 2014. Reconstruction work has begun, funded by the Philippine Typhoon Relief Fund. About 1/4 of the damaged roof has been replaced. Welding of purlins is the current major activity.
- Front of Dulag Church
- View of Roofing Work
- Worker Carries Steel Purlin
- Welding on Roof
New Church Lot and Building
By Marilyn Aralar
In November 2010, the believers from the Dulag church gathered in their new church lot and building. Not only did God provide them a church building, but also a parsonage for their Pastor and his family and a Dormitory for the deaf students. In 6 years, the Dulag church has rented 3 places as its place of worship. For Pastor Ramil Garciano, renting a house that could barely accommoate 40 people for various church activities wasn’t easy. They had to persuade the unbelievers that it was a church. Pastor Ramil said the believers of Dulag really prayed for a church building because they wanted to have a decent place for God and His people to worship. The unbelieving neighbors didn’t treat what the believers called “church” as church because it didn’t look like one to them. For this reason, they weren’t attracted to come even when invited. Finally, God answered the prayer of His people.
Pastor Ramil is also happy that his family has a more decent place to live. Now there’s no more water dripping through the roof & no more flooding inside the house during heavy rains. They feel more secure in their concrete house and they thank the Lord for caring for them by providing it.
Voice of the Deaf
It was Summer Youth Camp in Dulag in April 11-14. It was not a deaf camp so the hearing campers were surprised to see about 50 deaf people at the camp. They wondered how the deaf people got saved. They were anxious about how they could enjoy the camp and understand the preaching. The hearing campers found out that the deaf can teach them many things.
At the camp, many hearing campers were touched by the lives of the deaf believers. They felt their longing to hear about God and to speak about Him. One camper testified that he realized he is blessed to have ears that can hear and lips that can speak. With that he is convinced that there’s no reason for him not to speak about the gospel and use his life to serve Him.
Yes, deaf people can’t talk but they can communicate. They can communicate straight to our hearts and move us.
God Loves Pastor Allan and Deaf People Too
Pastor Allan is the Deaf Ministry Pastor of Dulag. He is not deaf. However, seeing his passion to work for the salvation of the deaf you can’t help but ask him why. His answer is plain. It is because he came to know Christ as his Savior through a deaf person who shared to him the gospel using a tract.
Pastor Allan is convinced that God saved him to bring the gospel to the deprived and unreached deaf community- a place where a human voice can’t be heard and where actions speak louder than words.