It has been almost 7 months since Typhoon Haiyan spread ruin and destruction throughout the central part of the Philippines. The pace of reconstruction has been slow for most. The video above shows how far from recovery our Tacloban area is.
VBS In the Ruins
We are encouraged to see Filipino believers maintain key evangelistic and discipleship ministries, despite their difficult conditions. Believers in San Jose, Tacloban, conducted a Vacation Bible School ministry while their church is still being repaired. Children who huddled on rooftops during the floods now sang praise songs and learn Bible stories. They learned how God created our world perfect, and how both storms and sin are the result of the fall of the first man and woman. Marilyn Aralar, Christian Education director in San Jose, adapted the VBS curriculum from ABWE’s Story of Hope.
- VBS in San Jose, Tacloban
- Class Inside Ruined Parsonage
- VBS in the Ruins
- Adventures in the Story of Hope
- VBS Signs
- VBS Signs
- Jester Teaches High School
- Evangelism Follow-up
- Marilyn Aralar Teaches High School Students
- Cute Girls
- Not So Happy at VBS
- Life Is Still Hard after the Typhoon
- Kids Have New Hope
When Ruben and Jocelyn Aryap heard the typhoon was coming, they had no idea that 3 huge waves would follow it. Without warning, the waves swept in the front windows of their house, then swept Ruben’s family out the back door. Holding on to his 8 year old son, Ruben climbed the roof of a neighbor’s house. He could only see a few feet in front of himself, and did not know where Joselyn and his daughter went. After 2 hours in the blinding winds, Ruben could finally see. Jocelyn and their daughter were at the top of a coconut tree, only yards away.
Ruben and Jocelyn are faithful believers. Ruben diligently saved from his job as a security guard to build a permanent house for his family. We are helping Ruben rebuild his home.
Missionary John Driesbach and his wife Libby returned to the Philippines from their furlough when they heard of the destruction caused by Typhoon Haiyan. John located a supplier of water filters, and had them shipped to the Philippines. He has a burden to soften people’s hearts to the Lord through compassionate evangelism. John and his crew brought 60 water filters to the people of Hernani, Eastern Samar. He taught the people how to use and clean the filters, and spoke to them about the Living Water that only Jesus can give. Pastor Bryan Babasol of New Life Baptist Mission distributed the filters to people he knew had a difficult time getting clean water. He already has a number of Bible studies in the area, and will follow up those who received the filters.
June 13 Flight
On June 13, we plan to travel to the United States. We will be able to escape some of the stress of living in a post-disaster zone, and reconnect with the family that we miss so much. Since our family members are so far spread from one another, travel will take us from the Northeast to the Northwest to Florida. In late July, I will assist in teaching new ABWE missionaries in a program entitled Essential Mission Components. Allene and I will return to the Philippines in August.
Carrying the Light,
Jim and Allene Latzko